Terms and Conditions

We want to make sure you clearly understand and agree to the following,

before you start the questionnaire

  • We are collecting feedback from you and other young people, to help us develop a Youth Strategy for Northland/Te Tai Tokerau.
  • The questionnaire is anonymous.  We will not be collecting any identifying details (such as your name, address or school).  This means we will not be able to link your answers back to you and we can’t withdraw your questionnaire if you ask us to. 
  • Mahitahi Hauora will collect your answers.  They will group everyone’s answers and write a report.  The report will be shared with agencies including government, Iwi/Māori and Pasifika. 
  • The report may use a direct quote from your questionnaire to show what young people shared, but it will not identify you.
  • Mahitahi Hauora will keep your questionnaire secure and destroy it, once the report is written.
  • It is up to you, whether you answer this questionnaire and you can stop at any time.  It is voluntary. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns about the questionnaire, please email: youth24@ot.govt.nz or phone: 029 200 6121.